Nickle Picks: Heather Leier, Dept of Art; Nickle Galleries’ Collections Committee

Nickle Picks: Heather Leier, Dept of Art; Nickle Galleries’ Collections Committee

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It was a huge challenge to pick a favourite out of the Nickle’s extensive collection! Some of my favourites include recent acquisitions from Jude Griebel, Robin Arseneault, and Lyndal Osborne, however in the end, I have chosen Liz Ingram’s, etching; drypoint; chine collé; digital print, titled Symbiosis. Technically, this print is a great example of how Liz is an expert at integrating multiple printmaking methods into a single image.

Visually and conceptually, I am always compelled by the way that her works entangle the human form with non-human lifeforms, both of which appear to emerge from and dissolve into the image area simultaneously. For me, Liz’s work makes visible the complexities of human and non-human relationships as well as the interconnectivity of all lifeforms.

I feel so lucky to have been able to work with Liz during her last couple years at the University of Alberta when I was an MFA student. In that time, I was also lucky to have participated in a couple of portfolio exchanges with Liz, so I am the proud owner of two of her prints that are similar to this one. Now, when I teach printmaking at the University of Calgary, I always show these prints to my students and they are regularly a class favourite!

Symbiosis, 2011, Liz Ingram
etching; drypoint; chine collé; digital
38 x 28 cm
Photo: Dave Brown, LCR Photo Services
(NG. 2012.001.008)



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