Nickle Pick: Brittany DeMone, PhD student, Department of Classics and Religion, UCalgary

Nickle Pick: Brittany DeMone, PhD student, Department of Classics and Religion, UCalgary

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A favorite coin of mine in the collection of Nickle Galleries is this silver drachm from the island of Thasos in northern Greece, ca. 550-465 BCE. Each city-state in ancient Greece produced their own coinage. Thasos is known for their coins with the depiction of a Satyr running off with a Nymph. Satyrs and nymphs were part of Dionysus’ entourage who was the god of theater and wine.
Silver Drachm, Thasos, Greece, 550-464BCE. NG.1990.1.128.
Photo: Brittany DeMone








Silver Drachm, Thasos, Greece, 550-464BCE. NG.1990.1.128.
Photo: Brittany DeMone

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