Coins of Jesus is a virtual exhibition that highlights Judeo-Christian coinage in the Numismatics Collection of Nickle Galleries, covering a unique geographic area and a historic period of cultural and ideological diversity. Beginning with Persian Imperial coins and Phoenician shekels, the exhibition presents Jewish, Judeo-Roman, Roman Christian and Byzantine coinage, concluding with Islamic and Medieval money – an intellectually and artistically rewarding journey.

Exhibition curated by Marina Fischer from the Numismatic Collection of Nickle Galleries, University of Calgary

Visit the exhibition here:

Coins of Jesus:  Money and Religion in the Ancient World

The first coin to portray Christ. Gold tremissis of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian II, 685-695. NG. 1990.4.93. Collection of Nickle Galleries.



Jewish silver shekel from Year 2 of the First Jewish-Roman War. 3 pomegranates/Chalice and ancient Hebrew inscription “Shekel of Israel,” Jerusalem, 67. Collection of Nickle Galleries. Photo: Ryan Blades.
Jewish silver shekel from Year 2 of the First Jewish-Roman War. 3 pomegranates/Chalice and ancient Hebrew inscription “Shekel of Israel,” Jerusalem, 67. Collection of Nickle Galleries. Photo: Ryan Blades.
Silver shekel with god Ba’al on obverse. Used for the payment of Jewish Temple Tax and referenced in the New Testament. Tyre, Phoenicia (modern-day Lebanon), ca. 100 BCE. NG.1990.1.137. Collection Nickle Galleries.