15 April – 1 May 2021

Featuring the work of Sarah Almquist, Gillian Coulton, Sarah Hubbell and Randi Woolford, organized by the Department of Art and Art History.

Phantom Pains explores the fragile relationship between our human psyche and physical presence within society. Themes of the unconscious are explored and situated within various representations of human experience – that being memory, self-esteem, body image and gender identity. Undertones of psychoanalysis and abstract theory inform the creation and progression of this exhibition. Through manifesting these theories into tangible representations, this exhibition invites the viewer to reflect and consider their own participation in the unconscious. These series are meant to be reflective of collective experiences within our society as we grasp at fleeting notions of autonomy and presence. The impact of this work is both critical and sympathetic to our own biases and stereotypes surrounding our societal relationships. They provide insight into the complex relation of human experience – that being instants of positivity and negativity.

Opening celebration and student remarks, here!