False Promises: BFA Honours Degree Student Exhibition

False Promises: BFA Honours Degree Student Exhibition

April 6, 2023 – April 29, 2023

Exhibition Details

Justine Bui is a half-Chinese and half-Vietnamese female born in Calgary, Alberta, who focuses her art on colourism in Asian communities. Graduating with a BFA Honours in Visual Studies from the University of Calgary in April 2023, Justine is a multidisciplinary artist who uses mediums such as photography, sculpture, and installation to raise awareness about how colourism still exists within our present-day society. Evolving from the Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award received in 2022, False Promises explores the layers of impact that colourism imposes on one’s body.

Justine creates contemporary artworks which counteract the historical notions of skin lightening that link to colonization. She uses colourism research within the art itself to mobilize knowledge about the physical, mental, and social effects from the products and practices. By highlighting the ongoing issue which continues to impact each generation, Justine strives to promote change on the outlook of one’s skin colour in East and Southeast Asian communities.


Supervisors: Dr. Joelle Welling & Professor Heather Leier

Presented by Nickle Galleries, Organized by the Department of Art and Art History, University of Calgary


Website: www.combatcolorism.com

Instagram: @justine_bui – https://www.instagram.com/justine_bui/

@combatcolorism – https://www.instagram.com/combatcolorism/


Justine Bui, False Promises, 2023.


Justine Bui, False Promises, 2023.